September and October Centuries/Life Aggregate

I’ve abandoned WordPress for Tumblr for the bazillionth time.

That said, I’m still riding centuries. After Cumberland Valley, I rode the New York City century, Backroads, and Seagull. You can click on those links and read my not-so-thought-out recaps on, yeah, Tumblr.

In between the latter two, I did an 80-miler on the W&OD. It was OK. I was cranky most of the day and asked Chris if we could turn around at Leesburg instead of completing a full century. We got some good sandwiches, but I still haven’t ridden the W&OD all the way to Purcellville.

Route- and snack-wise and overall, Cumberland Valley was my favorite organized century this season, but the others had their merits. The New York City century was a cool way to see parts of Queens I will never, ever go to again; I felt very strong for the majority of Backroads and maintained around 17MPH on the flats even when I was riding alone; I was able to pace with Chris for the entirety of Seagull and we finished in 5:37, which I’m incredibly, incredibly proud of.

Here’s a picture of me looking happy at Backroads:

Century season is over, but I’m committed to the one-per-month thing, especially since I’m getting faster.

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